Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Stuff happens. People doubt you. Emergencies come up. Things compete for your priorities. And sometimes you fail at things. Face challenges.

Challenges and adversity cause many people to break. It causes others to break records.


You will encounter people who don't believe in you. You will have well-meaning people suggest you should be more "realistic," that what you want to accomplish cannot be done.

You can use that feedback to sow doubt in your dreams, or fodder to strengthen your determination. Believe in yourself before you ask anyone else to. And then they will start to believe - or they will get out of the way.

And the only one that really matters - is you.


Self-discipline seems like it's hard. Because it's sometimes about doing things we may not feel like doing at that moment. Things like eating right, exercising, and spending daily self-development time. But once you start it and understand it - NOT doing your daily disciplines seems hard! And here's the most important thing to know...

Discipline creates freedom.

Move Your Feet

There is an African proverb that states, "As you pray, move your feet." In my church we say that God gives you the light, but you still have to turn on the light switch!

You can't just sit on the sofa watching "The Secret" and think your Lamborghini is going to pull up by itself in your driveway. To manifest prosperity, you have to redefine yourself from a recipient to a co-creator.


The top sales people are the ones who faced the most rejection. The most successful songwriters are the ones that wrote the most songs that didn't get picked up. The gold medal winning gymnasts are the ones who suffered through the most workouts, falls and injuries.

The most successful people made lots of mistakes and experienced lots of failures. And you are no different: Want to live an epic life? Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The level of your success will be in direct proportion to the level of failure you have learned from.

Now go out and start something amazing.


Jim Rohn used to say your income would be the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I believe that is true in all areas of prosperity: faith, health, relationships, etc.

And I know this…

For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds more charged with safeguarding mediocrity. Who you surround yourself with and how much influence you allow them, determines how healthy, happy and prosperous you become. Be mindful...


In more than one year I have missed doing my daily cardio exercise twice. And both times I did two sessions the next day. I don't particularly like doing it. Some days I hate it. But I hate being out of shape worse.

So how do I find the time? I don't. I make the time. Habits are very important and very special. Because you don't create your future. You create your habits, and they create your future.


There are certain situations that make us feel safe. Comfortable routines and regular habits. But there is a danger with these...

When you get too comfortable, it could mean you've settled for mediocrity. Get uncomfortable. Dance in the unknown, because that's where the magic lies.


Whenever you attempt to do something great - something epic - you are bound to have some people who want to "help" you by telling you why it won't work, isn't realistic, or is above your ability.

Most of the time, they're don't intend to be malicious. They are simply the victim of their negative beliefs, and have that default setting on everything they evaluate. Don't let their limiting beliefs become yours. Simply thank them for their opinion, then say, "STAND BACK, I'M ABOUT TO MAKE IT WORK!"

When Life Doesn't Work...

Some people learn from the examples of others. I was a slow learner who had to experience almost every mistake firsthand. And when the universe sent me a lesson, I had to receive it a number of times before I got the message.

Are you carrying around too many pounds? Had a business fail? Been repeating negative dysfunctional relationship? Falling back into addictions? Is life just not working very well for you?

Here's what I will tell you...

The biggest breakthrough I ever experienced - was the day I realized I hated my life. Because that was the moment I decided to change. And that changed everything for me.

Just as it can for YOU.

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